INMATEH Agricultural Engineering is an Open Access journal accessible for free on the Internet.
With Open Access, we distribute knowledge free of charge.
However, to cover the editorial services and production of an article, the journal depends on Article Processing Charge (APC).
The journal's Article Processing Charge are listed below.
All prices are exclusive of VAT/SalesTax.
1. Subscriptions
The subscription price is:
- 1000 EUR / Year for trading companies
- 500 EUR / Year for educational institutions
2. Article Processing Fee
- 700 EUR / article*
- 1200 EUR - Emergency Tax / article
- 25 Euro extra for each additional page of more than 10 pages.
3. Who is Responsible for Paying the Article Processing Charge?
Upon an article is editorially accepted, the corresponding author will be notified about the payment issue, which is charged to either the author, or the funder, institution or employer.
4. When and How do Authors Pay?
Following peer review, once a manuscript has received editorial acceptance, the article-processing charge becomes payable and formatting checks on the manuscript will commence. The invoice will be send to the corresponding author and the payment by e-commerce will be opened. Once formatting checks are completed, and payment of the article-processing charge has been received, the article will be published.
The journal currently supports the following payment methods:
- Payment by bank payment order
- Payment with Debit or Credit Card on “Eu Platesc” application
The subscription can be made at the editorial board headquarters, namely: INMA Bucharest, Romania, 6, Ion Ionescu de la Brad Blv. sector 1, Bucharest, code 013813, OP.18, or by money order on the following account:
INMA Bucharest
Identification number: J40/190/1997
Tax identity: RO2795310
Address: Bucharest, Sector 1, ROMANIA, 6 Ion Ionescu de la Brad bvd.
IBAN: RO94RNCB0072026604710004 (EUR) or RO78RNCB0072026604710001 (RON)
Issuing Bank: BCR Sector 1