DOI : https://doi.org/10.35633/inmateh-73-06
Aiming at the problems of spraying pole-type plant protection machines difficult to get down to the field after row closure of maize in the middle and late stages, uneven droplet distribution of pressure nozzle-type plant protection drone, and difficult to change the droplet particle size, this paper designed a UAV centrifugal spraying system for maize planting protection through the designed centrifugal nozzle combined with a plant protection drone. A single nozzle parameter test was carried out to study the relationship between nozzle speed, flow rate and droplet size. The variable parameter flow rate is set in the range of 300 ml ~ 1000 mL / min, and the nozzle rotation speed is set in the range of 8000 ~ 18000 r / min gradient change. The test results show that the droplet size is related to the liquid supply flow rate and the nozzle rotation speed. According to the theory of optimal biological particle size, the centrifugal nozzle parameter is determined to select the liquid supply flow rate of 1000 mL / min and the nozzle rotation speed of 14000 r / min. The droplet distribution characteristics test under the actual operating conditions was carried out with this parameter, and the important index parameters such as droplet size, droplet density and coverage rate were analyzed to characterize the UAV aerial spraying operation. The experimental results show that the flight speed of the UAV has an important effect on the droplet deposition parameters, which significantly affects the droplet coverage, droplet density and deposition amount of the bottom layer of maize, and the droplet coverage and the droplet deposition amount of each sampling layer tends to decrease with the increase of flight speed, and the coefficient of variation (CV) value of the centrifugal spraying system was the smallest at the flight speed of 1.5m/s, and the effect of droplet deposition was the most uniform. at a flight speed of 1.5m/s. The effect of droplet deposition is the most uniform. This study can provide a reference basis for the optimization of parameters and the correct use of centrifugal plant protection UAV in the middle and late stage plant protection operations of tall crops such as maize.
Abstract in Chinese